Wednesday, July 31, 2013

From New Adult to Young Adult

As you know, I’ve been busy plotting a new novel lately. I’m also doing a second revision pass on BH, my urban fantasy, but that’s another story—no pun intended. I’ll tell you all about it in a future post. Going back to my plotting, I started with the intent of writing a new adult fantasy. I had set characters in mind and somewhat of a storyline already built up. As usual I was exploring the different directions the story could go in, when one of those led me to a completely different story: a better, fresher, more thrilling one, a YA urban fantasy.  I asked one question: What if my characters weren’t human? And the whole thing fell in my lap. At first I didn’t recognize it for what it was. I thought I took a wrong direction. But this morning I woke up with a clear mind. This is the story I’m going to write. All the major pieces are already in place. I can’t wait to start! :-D

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